Friday, April 15, 2011


Trying to get some videos posted - this one is of a skill that she acquired several months ago but she has managed to retain it which doesn't always happen - this video shows her following directions and if you think about all that she does and how quickly she is able to process this it is such an achievement for her - she listens, takes the box, goes to the cabinet, opens the door, throws the box in the trash, closes the door and comes back to me, and even gives me 'five' after all that (and then picks her nose which was not part of the directions lol) - such a thought process for her - we are so happy about this - after practicing this skill MANY TIMES she is now my 'big helper' while cooking dinner each night


Mark, Laurie, Ellie, & Sadie Kate said...

Yay, Camilla!!

Sophie's Story by Elaine said...

Way to go Camilla!!!

Laurie Willingham said...

Fabulous!!! Great job Camilla! I even loved the picking the nose part. That's about what I think of working in the kitchen too. LOL Love it!! ~Nana