Thursday, March 29, 2012

are you kidding me?

Home??? Didn't we just have major brain surgery Monday??? As I said before, God is showing off!!! As long as she has a good 'first-part' of the day today she will be discharged this afternoon. I'm so thrilled but also a little nervous at it being this soon. Camilla's swollen eyes started to open late yesterday afternoon and she was able to get up and do some walking. She even walked to the activity room here in the Burn Unit and was able to play with Crosby for about 30 minutes. We are about to try to get her up this morning to see if she will walk some more or maybe go for a wagon ride around the hospital. She is dealing with a little more pain today than yesterday but we were able to get a good dose of pain meds in her about an hour ago - she is still giving us major trouble taking all meds at this point.When Dr. Blount made his rounds a couple of days ago he said that she needed to be eating and drinking well, managing pain well and for the swelling to go down enough that she could see in order for her to go home and she has definitely met those hurdles. On one of Dr. Blounts visits he pulled out his cell phone and asked if we had strong stomaches, and we do, so he proceeded to show us pics he had taken during surgery showing the grids, the blood clot and the parts that were resected - WEIRD - not many people can say they've seen their child's brain! So anyway - no time for a long post - there's packing to be done :) "For I know the plans I have for you" declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11


Nana said...

And this is our miracle baby. What a fighter she is!!! I am beyond thrilled. I was just about to leave work and head back up that way to visit when I read this. I can't WAIT to see ya'll. God has indeed blessed our whole family and most especially Camilla. I'm super excited to see how He will further use her. All glory to God!!!

dianne hannah said...

Im so happy to see this, hope she recovers fast and be seizure free!