Monday, November 3, 2008


OK - I know I usually just post things about Camilla here but I promised several of you that I would put these up! As for the rest of you - you are NOT allowed to laugh at us! We know we are dorks but we are dorks that had a GREAT time! Las Wednesday me, Jennifer Lauderdale, Dana Eddins, Amy Abrams and Christina Julian attended the New Kids on the Block reunion concert in Atlanta! We had more fun than anyone really should be allowed to have - my face still hurts from laughing, smiling, singing, screaming, etc... Below are some pics and video of the fun we had! Yes, we wore matching shirts! Yes, I am a Jordan Knight fan! Yes, we did paint our windows! Yes, we reverted to being 12 years old all over again! and on and on and on...

1 comment:

Bedsole Boys said...

camilla...i wish i could have seen your mommy and her friends. i am cracking up. (and p.s. thank you for the raven; i laughed out loud then, too :)